Ray Hills g3hrh at btinternet.com
Mon Nov 22 02:53:37 PST 2010


I would be quite happy to dispense with the square multipliers and just have one point per km.  As I recall, the multipliers were introduced to give a better incentive than one point per QSO.  But I would still like the locator to form part of the necessary exchange as a measure of ability correctly to receive a message.  But I suspect that opinion will be divided - as always.  BTW I regard you as East Coast rather than Midlands !!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: BCSLLEWELLYN at aol.com 
  To: g3hrh at btinternet.com 
  Cc: uk-contest at contesting.com 
  Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 10:35 AM
  Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2011 UKAC


  To  be even fairer why not just remove ALL grid multipliers.  I do not beam to EU for more tha 5% of total time.  If you think it helps midlands stations then so be it, I didn't ask for any extra help (living in the midlands)

  I will probably enter as usual as long as I get points for working my friends in OZ DL F PA etc couldn't care less about the multipliers.

  Regards   Bryn Llewellyn G4DEZ

  In a message dated 22/11/2010 10:29:24 GMT Standard Time, g3hrh at btinternet.com writes:
    Personally I agree with Paul RRA and think it is a reasonable attempt to 
    level the playing field - and I say this as somone close to the South Coast. 
    If anything it has tilted it in favour of the Midlands but I can live with 
    that.  After all it is a UK Activity event.  Sorry you will not be there to 
    give out JO03 Bryn but maybe there will be others?

    Ray G3HRH 

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