[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 21 / 28MHz Contest 2010

Mike Harris mike.harris at cwimail.fk
Mon Oct 4 11:32:57 PDT 2010


I'll go along with all the comments to retain the contest. 
Actually, for some reason I thought it had already been killed off 
and was surprised to hear some activity.  Unfortunately, I was 
already committed to other activities so didn't make much of a show. 
The 12 hour format is a bit of a killer from my propagation 
perspective at present.

There is always hope that I might duplicate my win in the overseas 
SSB section 1977.  Albeit the 900 foot long 90 foot high Cable and 
Wireless spare Rhombic pointed at the UK is no longer!  The downside 
of satcom.


Mike VP8NO 

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