[UK-CONTEST] The contest "exchange"....
paul_group at greenrover.demon.co.uk
Thu Oct 7 13:51:18 PDT 2010
On 07/10/2010 20:21, PETER CLEALL wrote:
> As I have only been a low level dabbler in contests for less than 12 months,
> I hardly dare to comment.
> I am in favour of retaining a 21/28 cw + SSB contest. I would have operated
> SSB last weekend but for a long standing family reunion.
> How about overseas ops working each of the RSGB regions for awards. UK
> stations to compete for individual and club awards to be given per region.
I've often wondered why the (V)HF columns of Radcom aren't used to sell
the DX oportunities afforded by contest opperation.
I often take part in contests with no intention of actually putting in
an entry - its a symbiotic relationship, you guys get your cannon fodder
and I pick up the odd # or DXCC.
some time ago around the peak of the last cycle I think, there was an
article in the Mag explaining to the less experienced HF men how to
fashion a sloping dipole with orientation to optimise chance of working
a particular expedition, some guidance was given on time of day for best
chance. From my observation that was very successful.
I think its the same for events like the 21/28MHz contest. Imagine the
feeling of calling cq contest and being answered by a real dx stn. That
might be old hat to people on this reflector but to a new "casual
contester" it could be a reall thrill. We shouldn't assume that everyone
knows how the propagation works (Note #1) So our casual contester who
decides to try to work a few stns in the contest, how disappointed they
would have been in 28MHz. They might conclude contests are a waste of
time without a Kw and a beam.
That person may never even look at the sport radio, ( I still hate that
title) pages but may well read the HF pages to find out how to work some
DX, a simple explanation of how to work DX in a contest might even help
people realise that contesting and dx'ing are actually a little bit similar.
(Note #1) Earlier today I heard a local stn here complaining that his 6m
antenna was obviously faulty as in june he was working all over Europe
and this week he couldn't hear anything.
73 de Paul GW8IZR IO73TI
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