[UK-CONTEST] N1MM and multiple operator voice messages

STEPHEN LAWRENCE stephen.lawrence at btinternet.com
Sat Oct 16 02:53:54 PDT 2010

Morning chaps.

I have got N1MM working great for my own voice, but I wonder if there are any 
experts out there that can tell me were I am going wrong at getting it to 
recognise other ops voices. 

I have just googled the subject and belive that I have it all set up correct. 

Ive got three sets of voices recorded the numbers and letters and put these into 
a file, stuck that in C:\Prog File\N1MM logger\wav\{operator}\cq.wav  then the 
next one is the rpt.wav etc etc etc. 

I start N1MM - and go into config under config ports > Files > rec wave path is 
set to c:\prog files\n1mm logger\wav\{operator}\

and the numbers and letters are stored as above but ending in 

When i do OPON or CTRL - O the op changes in the log OK but still no change of 
voice, im runing version 10 of n1mm.......anyone got any ideas please of were i 
am going wrong ?


Steve G4EOF

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