[UK-CONTEST] [CDXC] Remote stuff

Dave H davekh at gmail.com
Fri Sep 10 02:56:14 PDT 2010

My 3d-halfpenny, 3 farthings, a groat and a pigs trotter..

Remote trancieving is ok with me - not my taste, I've thought about a basic
set of rules that could allow remote ops to take a fair place with everyone
else in contests and general QSOs.

   - appropriate prefix/call for where the RF is coming from
   - following appropriate 'local' rules for where the RF is coming from
   - The receiver must be used in the same place as the above (and not
   augmented by others local or other remote)


   - for contests - all three apply, unless the 3rd is specifically allowed
   by organisers.
   - for non-contest top two apply but good manners to explain the third.

Hopefully for contests - contest marking programmes need to become robust
enough to pick up aberations like from people misusing remote - for example
flagging up for consideration, making 'impossible' contacts for the time of

I am probably wrong but anymore levels of control seems to make it unlikely
to ever get accepted as a general way of life because people will always
argue this or that complications for too long. There would be unecessary
fall-outs, misuse and potentially conclude that its gone too far to do
anything. I hope not, a global standard set of rules needs getting accepted
soon (even if they're re-stating/abstracting from current rules anyway).

I think the only time I've done anything remote was on a cold winters
evening, when conditions were quite good on 20m - I VNC'd from a warm room
via wifi to the computer connected to my radio in the shack, sat watching a
film and had some food  till the film finished. It was fine till I wanted to
move to a different band and had no computer interface to tune the ATU  :) I
did work a few on rtty though.

(VNC  http://www.realvnc.com/ )

Dave H G0CER
(also G6VSG)

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