Chris G3SVL Chris at G3SVL.com
Fri Apr 1 01:05:34 PDT 2011

At 07:31 01/04/2011, Paul O'Kane wrote:
>With this in mind, what features would you like to see in the next 
>update of SD?


Excellent features as always at this time of year.  There are two 
that you have missed and might consider for the next release:

Not Listening Mode (MLM)
When enabled, continuous CQ calls are sent (in your face) with a very 
short rx time.  rx is disabled at all times.

Enhanced Not Listening Mode (ENLM)
When enabled, continuous CQ calls are sent but randomly after the rx 
period a QRZ is sent.  After the QRZ and a slightly extended wait 
time, CQing in your face begins again.  rx is disabled at all times.

I think some of the big contest stations are already using these 
modes - at least when I call them.

73 Chris, G3SVL

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