[UK-CONTEST] How to liven up our 80m Sprints?

Nigel G3TXF nigel at G3TXF.com
Thu Apr 7 06:41:16 PDT 2011

Hello UK Contesters (and any Contest Committee members who
may read this!)

We're now well into the 80m CC season [the 80m CCs are a
great success all round], and later in the year there will
be the 80m Sprints. These are "Sprints" in name only. In
practice there's not enough volume of activity to make them
into a real frequency-hopping frenzied "Sprint".

As many may have noticed there is a series of Russian WSEM
Mini-Contests on 80m CW on Wednesday evenings. They run for
just one hour, but the interesting feature is that you are
allowed to work the same station within each of the six
ten-minute sessions. Even though there is only a relatively
small number of participants, these Russian Mini-Contests
are really hectic. They feel much more like a "sprint", than
our own frequency-hopping Sprints do.

My suggestion for the up-coming series of RSGB 80m Sprints
is that the rules allow the same station to be worked in
each of, say, three 30-minute sessions. Yes, I know, the
logging software would need to be modified, but being able
to work the same station in each of the three periods, would
certainly liven up the 80m Sprints, which in their present
form [because of low activity] are just a bit dull!

73 - Nigel G3TXF

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