GORDON BROWN gordonbrowns at virginmedia.com
Tue Aug 2 02:10:03 PDT 2011

Yes Bernie it is hard work with a small dipole in the loft and 10 Watts but
it is fun - most contests are.
As one ticks off the years on the calendar of life it gets harder and harder
to keep going for even 24 hours.  In my youth I did 48 hours during CQWW
etc. but those days have slipped away.  I did manage almost 24 hours but
once I reached my 700 QSO target I gave up.
Two days later I have almost recovered.
It was FUN FUN and well worth the effort.

Gordon G1N

On 31 July 2011 19:28, Bernie McIntosh (GM4WZG) <gm4wzg at kars.org.uk> wrote:

> Operated from home this weekend. Give or take some time for meals, and an
> overnight pause for some sleep (I know, I'll never be a proper hard core
> contester will I ?) I tried to do the full 24 hours.  Generally poor condx
> and I thought there was less participation than in recent years. Some more
> distant islands were workable though from a simple station like mine and I
> was pleased overall with the multiplier count considering that I was 100w
> with a stealth wire antenna. In fact it's a good demonstration of what can
> be done with CW from a suburban house with no real scope for proper
> antennas, particularly for the lower bands.  In fact IOTA is a great
> contest
> for those with simple stations because its more about hunting around for
> the
> mults than just using a big station to run.
> Grateful thanks to all those island activators who make this event
> possible.
> Thanks also of course to the organisers/adjudicators.
> Its great to be a fifteen point station even in the common EU-005.
> Definitely helps in getting interest, often from other 15 point stations.
> Unchecked score for the CW 24 hour single op assisted low power section is
> below.
>  Band    QSOs    Pts  IOTA
>   3.5     100     864   42
>     7     180    1224   51
>    14     258    1650   65
>    21      44     540   33
>    28      26     210   11
>  Total     608    4488  202
> Score: 906,576
> Bernie
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