Chris G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Thu Aug 4 05:02:45 PDT 2011

I tend to agree Stewart, I used to enjoy reading the various contest reports. For my part - I joined G6MC, the Brimham Contest Group this year, I'll 
put a few comments to getehr later today. 73 Chris G3SJJ

On 04/08/2011 12:30, Stewart GM4AFF wrote:
> Yeah Geoff, but there are about 500 subscribers (?) on this reflector and
> they weren't all on expeditions! I hope you had a great trip - I look
> forward to hearing how it went.
> I just feel that the reflector has lost the support of the real contesters,
> and degenerated into a sort of portal of intolerence. It seems that threads
> just go on and on and then result in argument, or more likely apathy.
> UBN's....
> I enjoy reading how others got on in a contest, no matter at what level. Not
> so much just a re-play of 3830, but more personal stories.
> 73
> Stewart
>    -----Original Message-----
>    From: geoff plucknett [mailto:geoffg4fka at virginmedia.com]
>    Sent: 04 August 2011 11:21
>    To: Stewart GM4AFF
>    Cc: uk-contest at contesting.com
>    Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] IOTA 2011 (GM3F)
>    That's because some of us only got home at 2100 last night and only
> unpacked the car this morning.
>    IOTA for an expedition is a week-long odyssey!
>    Geoff G4FKA o.b.o GJ6YB
>    On 3 August 2011 13:18, Stewart GM4AFF<stewart at gm4aff.net>  wrote:
>      It's strange that there aren't more contest reports on here for the
> premier
>      RSGB contest of the year. (Or is it?)
>      I only returned from my 5X1SF mini-expedition late on Friday night
> (without
>      my luggage) so I couldn't handle my usual favourite 24 hrs SSB section.
> I
>      decided on 12 hrs Mixed mode. These 12 hour sections are great -
> strategy is
>      far more important than I realised. In fact, although I ran a little, I
>      would say it was a mistake, and I should have spent the whole contest S
> &  P.
>      I spent too long on 40m on the Sat evening and should have gone to 80m
>      earlier - that left me with only 1 hour on 80m which was not enough, and
> I
>      lost a lot of mults. Being located in GM it is very difficult to catch
> all
>      those nice GM mults, even on 80m. Also, in a single mode 24 hour section
>      SO2R is a huge advantage, but in 12 hours mixed mode it is totally
>      unneccessary - you seldom run, so you have no time to work the 2nd
> radio.
>      And an amp is probably unneccesary too, so the 12 hour low power and QRP
>      sections are something which more people could consider (as Gordon and
>      Bernie pointed out). For me it was an interesting learning experience,
> but a
>      thoroughly enjoyable one
>       Band  CW Qs  CW Mults  Ph Qs  Ph Mults
>      ----------------------------------------
>        80:   22       16      20       10
>        40:   84       24      72       28
>        20:  130       37     116       43
>        15:   30       20      32       20
>        10:   12        8      12        8
>      ----------------------------------------
>      Total:  278      105     252      106
>      Total Score = 950,766
>      Used a K3 and an FT1000mp, an Alpha 91 and Alpha 76, four monobanders,
> 80m
>      vertical and beverages and Win-Test.
>      This is the worst contest for bad operating technique. I don't know why,
> but
>      these island expeditions with ops who are more into IOTA than contesting
>      just assume everyone knows their callsign. (And strangely, most people
>      calling them do.) Even when there is no pile-up they complete a QSO by
>      saying "QRZ". Failing that they'll finish by saying "73's" and then the
>      frequency sits quiet for about 20 seconds before they then decide to
> call
>      CQ. And as for the people calling with two letters only. If I didn't
> lose
>      out, I think I ought to log them as two letter calls too - that'll teach
>      them!
>      73
>      Stewart
>      GM4AFF / GM3F
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