[UK-CONTEST] M3i eu005

Ken Chandler g0orh at sky.com
Fri Aug 5 06:52:13 PDT 2011

A very brief report for IOTA from southern UK.


Single op CW entry and unassisted as always. My favorite contest as theirs
so much happening no matter what band your on.

I do tend to just run, and that shows in my final score, but hopefully that
may change.

Condx were quite good and some sporadic e on 10m during Sunday morning gave
a few extra bonus mults, also 15m  produced a run or two into JA.




K3, KPA-500 amp, SteppIR beam,  40 /80m wires,  Win-Test 4.8, MicroHam keyer
mk2,  unassisted, all CW,  EU005, 24hrs, High Power.


Band   QSO   Mult


80        290          37

40        457          46

20        459          39

15        214          18

10        110          19


Total. 1530 QSO's.












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