[UK-CONTEST] Who loses points for bad QSO?

Tom GM4FDM tom at gm4fdm.com
Sat Aug 13 03:15:41 PDT 2011

Hmmmmmm.    I am qsl manager for Craig  D2SG.    In his last log there
were 12 instances of    where he had keyed in an O  instead of a 0 
(zero)    like MOAXT instead of
M0AXT  there were two instances of where Craig had keyed in an I instead 
of a 1.  So these QSOs did not match in LOTW.

Now these things are simple to correct in a DX log.    I guess it 
depends a great deal on your key board.
(I remember when I was in jersey with the French team, I was confronted 
by a French keyboard which
you might or might not know is NOT QWERTY......

Now I can be as accurate and correct as you like, but if the station I 
make contact with keys in a Capital O instead of a ZERO, why should I be 
penalised?     In my case my brain is faster than my fingers and key in 
do occur.   If they are MY error why should someone else be punished?

CQ Contest GM4FDM


5B4AGN 599001

GM4FDM 5B4AGN rgr UR 599999


all correct?     yes?    what if I inadvertently key in 4B5AGN     or  
5B5AGN  or 5B4AGM

Bob will be none the wiser, no matter how many times he has checked my 
information on the radio.

Why should HE loose points as well?

My 2p  worth


GM4FAM   sri  GM4FDM   sri  GM4FVM or even GM3FDN

On 13/08/2011 09:26, Bob Henderson wrote:
> I agree with you Stewart.  Our contests are based upon two-way
> communication, after all.  However, penalties mostly aren't applied this
> way, only the station with the error in his log is penalised.
> Gaming the system is certainly a risk.  I think it's rare but I do have one
> personal experience.  A few years back, I worked a well known contester
> during CQWW RTTY.   He was a double mult for me and I at least an entity
> mult for him.  Knowing I would be unlikely to find another station from the
> same entity or zone, he chose to send his call with one character wrong.
> You may think this was a mis-copy but no, his call was sent incorrectly six
> times.  A little detective work allowed me to correct the call post event,
> so his ploy didn't work.  He achieved nothing but assassination of his own
> character.  The depths to which some will stoop really can be quite amazing.
> 73 Bob, 5B4AGN
> On 13 August 2011 08:07, Stewart Bryant<stewart at g3ysx.org.uk>  wrote:
>> On 13/08/2011 07:51, Chris G4FZN wrote:
>>> If, during a contest exchange, station A copies station B's report and
>>> locator all ok, but station B makes an error in logging station A's
>> report,
>>> is it always BOTH stations who lose points for that QSO, or just the one
>> who
>>> copied or transcribed the details wrongly? Therefore, for contacts that
>>> appear in a UBN report sent to me following a contest, is it always
>> correct
>>> to assume the other station has lost the points for that QSO too?
>> You would hope so other wise entrants would be gaming the system by
>> not correcting readback errors, or even giving false corrections.
>> If both loose the points it is in both parties interests to pursue the
>> contact until both parties have the exchange correct.
>> Stewart/G3YSX
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