[UK-CONTEST] Who loses points for bad QSO?

Bob Henderson bob.5b4agn at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 03:42:22 PDT 2011


You mean you don't send what you key in?

Bob, 5B4AGN

On 13 August 2011 10:15, Tom GM4FDM <tom at gm4fdm.com> wrote:

>  Hmmmmmm.    I am qsl manager for Craig  D2SG.    In his last log there
> were 12 instances of    where he had keyed in an O  instead of a 0
> (zero)    like MOAXT instead of
> M0AXT  there were two instances of where Craig had keyed in an I instead of
> a 1.  So these QSOs did not match in LOTW.
> Now these things are simple to correct in a DX log.    I guess it depends a
> great deal on your key board.
> (I remember when I was in jersey with the French team, I was confronted by
> a French keyboard which
> you might or might not know is NOT QWERTY......
> Now I can be as accurate and correct as you like, but if the station I make
> contact with keys in a Capital O instead of a ZERO, why should I be
> penalised?     In my case my brain is faster than my fingers and key in
> errors
> do occur.   If they are MY error why should someone else be punished?
> CQ Contest GM4FDM
> 5B4AGN 599001
> GM4FDM 5B4AGN rgr UR 599999
> all correct?     yes?    what if I inadvertently key in 4B5AGN     or
> 5B5AGN  or 5B4AGM
> Bob will be none the wiser, no matter how many times he has checked my
> information on the radio.
> Why should HE loose points as well?
> My 2p  worth
> Tom
> GM4FAM   sri  GM4FDM   sri  GM4FVM or even GM3FDN
> On 13/08/2011 09:26, Bob Henderson wrote:
> I agree with you Stewart.  Our contests are based upon two-way
> communication, after all.  However, penalties mostly aren't applied this
> way, only the station with the error in his log is penalised.
> Gaming the system is certainly a risk.  I think it's rare but I do have one
> personal experience.  A few years back, I worked a well known contester
> during CQWW RTTY.   He was a double mult for me and I at least an entity
> mult for him.  Knowing I would be unlikely to find another station from the
> same entity or zone, he chose to send his call with one character wrong.
> You may think this was a mis-copy but no, his call was sent incorrectly six
> times.  A little detective work allowed me to correct the call post event,
> so his ploy didn't work.  He achieved nothing but assassination of his own
> character.  The depths to which some will stoop really can be quite amazing.
> 73 Bob, 5B4AGN
> On 13 August 2011 08:07, Stewart Bryant <stewart at g3ysx.org.uk> <stewart at g3ysx.org.uk> wrote:
>  On 13/08/2011 07:51, Chris G4FZN wrote:
>  If, during a contest exchange, station A copies station B's report and
> locator all ok, but station B makes an error in logging station A's
>  report,
>  is it always BOTH stations who lose points for that QSO, or just the one
>  who
>  copied or transcribed the details wrongly? Therefore, for contacts that
> appear in a UBN report sent to me following a contest, is it always
>  correct
>  to assume the other station has lost the points for that QSO too?
>  You would hope so other wise entrants would be gaming the system by
> not correcting readback errors, or even giving false corrections.
> If both loose the points it is in both parties interests to pursue the
> contact until both parties have the exchange correct.
> Stewart/G3YSX
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