[UK-CONTEST] CW Open contest - session 1

F5vjc foxfive.vjc at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 09:27:12 PDT 2011

Doesn't this happen often, ie more than one contest over the same
period or overlapping contests?

This puzzles me as not eveyrone ID/s WHICH contest they are
participating in, ie often just "TEST or CQ TEST"

How do you guys handle this? Just work everyone, or what is the best approach?

73, Deni

On 21 August 2011 09:54, Stewart Rolfe <gw0etf at btinternet.com> wrote:
> Graham,
> I did the second session 9pm to 1am local time, just 20m and 40m. Better than I envisaged; the RDA wasn't as disruptive as I expected. Maybe skip/conditions more suited NA which made up the vast bulk of the activity at that time. No beam here for 20 and a vertical on 40m but even 40 seemed easy to dodge the RDA stations. Was called by several and logged them without any exchange so presumably won't score.
> Even so only 148 contacts (HP). Not brilliant as I say but not the disaster I was ready for....is the contest calendar getting a bit clogged up?
> 73,
> Stewart, GW0ETF
> --- On Sat, 20/8/11, G4FNL <g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> From: G4FNL <g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk>
>> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] CW Open contest - session 1
>> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
>> Date: Saturday, 20 August, 2011, 19:39
>> I've just taken part in the first of
>> the three sessions of the new CW Open
>> contest. Unfortunately, it coincided with the Russian RDA
>> contest and was
>> consequently difficult to see the "wood for the trees". At
>> least that how it
>> seemed to me. I wonder whether anyone else from the UK took
>> part - and what
>> your feelings for the contest are?  I made a pathetic
>> 95 Qs over the four
>> hour period in the 100W section (less than 25/hour). I
>> heard USA stations
>> swapping serial numbers of 200+ but I couldn't hear any
>> Europeans with such
>> high scores.  I wish the contest well but I might have
>> to think twice about
>> operating next time.
>> 73 Graham G4FNL
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