[UK-CONTEST] CW Open contest - session 1

Bernie McIntosh gm4wzg at kars.org.uk
Tue Aug 23 13:25:27 PDT 2011

I decided to go and play for a few hours by operating from a lighthouse  
for the ILLW weekend.

Our eastern block friends were even calling me for contest exchanges in  
response to my CQ Lighthouses on the Air calls !



> Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 19:14:46 +0100
> From: "G4FNL" <g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk>
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] CW Open contest - session 1
> To: "'F5vjc'" <foxfive.vjc at gmail.com>,	<uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Message-ID: <000001cc61c0$8a5fefe0$9f1fcfa0$@demon.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi Deni
> I made mention previously of how difficult it was to find entrants in
> amongst the RDA contest traffic. I don't recall too many contests where
> contestants are unsure what contests they are in - but it does happen -  
> but
> usually the exchanges are mutually acceptable or people adapt to suit.
> However, last weekend was an example where the exchanges were not  
> compatible
> - and I had several non-QSOs because of the refusal of Russian operators  
> to
> send me their name despite several requests at QRS speeds. I didn't  
> really
> mind, because the wretched CW Open contest was so slow, it didn't make  
> any
> real difference to my score, but it was frustrating because the Russian  
> guys
> had called me (despite me using "Test CWO" or sometimes "Test CW Open"  
> when
> eliciting Q's)
> So, I reckon the CWO should move to another weekend - perhaps when an  
> SSB or
> RTTY contest is in full swing. I wonder -how's the weekend of 1st April  
> next
> year looking ;>)
> 73 Graham G4FNL
> ww.opera.com/mail/

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