[UK-CONTEST] Changes to the CC and the Sprint for 2012

Paul DUMPLETON paulm0xdx at tesco.net
Fri Dec 2 10:03:12 PST 2011

I don't understand why they are reducing the number of sprints. The number of entrants for the SSB sections has progressively increased this year since September from 67 to 78 in November. 
Doesn't this mean the sprints are becoming more popular? 
Was anyone consulted about the decision? 
I really enjoy the sprints because even with my very modest set-up I can usually finish in the top 10 each month by using the right tactics and skill. Perhaps the big-gun stations don't like the smaller stations to compete with them? 
I always hear stations moaning after the contest that they didn't work anyone in the last half hour but this is usually because they sit on a frequency calling CQ rather than actively searching for new stations. My QSO rate is fairly consistent throughout each sprint. 
I don't like the idea of using multimodes during a sprint and I'm sure that would drastically reduce the number of entries. 
73 Paul M0XDX

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