[UK-CONTEST] Failure to Identify

Frank Hunter fthunter at virginmedia.com
Mon Dec 5 04:15:22 PST 2011

On 05/12/2011 11:43, Gerry Lynch wrote:

Hi Gerry!

Big snip, haven't time to debate this lists equivalent of War and Peace.. :)

> As for the DX not-identifying, I don't see anything wrong with a
> quick CL? on CW or "What's your call?" on SSB, if timed to be as
> non-disruptive as possible. If enough people do it, they get the
> hint.

Try it and see what happens. I did over the weekend on 12m, I listened 
for easily 10 minutes to a station running a pileup with no identifying 
call sign given during that period, getting frustrated with this shoddy 
operating and desperately wanting to know if it was a new one in my 
quest for Honour Roll I sent "DE ?", I got no response.. ho hum. I 
listened some more and then sent "CL?" some kind soul sent "LSN", I sent 
"HVE" he then sent "IDIOT". Welcome to armature (sic) radio! Wouldn't it 
have been easier for him just to send 9L0W or perhaps he didn't know either?

73, Frank GI4NKB

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