[UK-CONTEST] 80CC changes

Peter Day microwaves at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Dec 9 12:04:20 PST 2011

On 09/12/2011 17:01, Colin Potter wrote:
> Although I enjoy 80CC there are a few irritations that could be addressed.
> For Data RTTY is fine but PSK 31 is a problem in that anywhere near 100W is
> difficult to use without overdriving which wrecks any chance of reception
> for everybody.

until I got a 200 watt transceiver I used 10W of drive from my 100W 
transceiver to drive my linear amp to 100W o/p. That way I could get a 
really clean sig at 10W and the Acom 1010 did not add anything other 
than extra RF to it :-0

If all you have is a 100 watt tranceiver then you have to be satisfied 
with 40 or 50 watts o/p but that's only 3dB (half an S unit) down on the 
100 so you'd hardly tell the difference.

Peter G3PHO

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