[UK-CONTEST] Club Distance Rules

geoff plucknett geoffg4fka at virginmedia.com
Wed Dec 28 09:24:25 PST 2011

The long correspondence on the CC rules has all become very sad. It is a
simple fact that if the "Little Puddlecombe in the Marsh Radio Club" had
won with 100 members spread over the country no-one would have blinked an
eyelid. Unfortunately because of the groups that have consistently taken
the top places in recent years it has been found necessary to find ways of
stopping them doing so well. I have little doubt that the new distance rule
has been carefully calculated with specific groups in mind; however it
will, as has already been stated, significantly penalise clubs in rural
areas with genuine low number large area memberships  and will do nothing
to encourage new or small clubs to participate.

The contest was originally set up to encourage activity from stations new
to contesting and to generally increase activity in a relatively low key
short duration format. So why not make it just that. Either make it an
activity evening that really encourages newcomers in a non-competitive
scenario or limit it to stations only licensed for a certain number of
years. But don't discourage groups who come on for several months a year,
do the best they can within their home station limitations, test their wits
against the ever changing conditions and provide a guaranteed core for the
newcomers to call.

Geoff G4FKA

On 28 December 2011 15:21, dave <daveg3tbk at googlemail.com> wrote:

> To add another point to Lee's message.
> For some of us in Rural locations it is true that there may be a Club
> within the 35 km radius.
> However if they have no interest in contesting, there is little point in
> joining them.
> We are in the Clubs we are because they consist of like-minded
> enthusiasts and in a sparesly populated area it is inevitable that the
> distances will frequently be over 35km. However that does not stop us
> going to regular meetings in the "traditional" way.
> In trying to separate "national" and "regional" contest groups from
> traditional local clubs it appears the Cttee have thrown out the baby
> along with the bath water.
> 73 Dave G3TBK
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