[UK-CONTEST] 144MHz UKAC Contest

Alex GM3ZBE alex at gm3zbe.plus.com
Thu Feb 3 06:46:13 PST 2011

I get exactly the same effect on the 6M activity contests, a large 
proportion of the ops down south seem deaf!
I run legal limit on 50MHz and stations reading genuine S7 on my meter 
give me 43 reports!
Like you I live in a rural location with very low noise, but I don't 
think that urban noise at the other end entirely explains the difference.

On 03/02/2011 12:56, Stewart GM4AFF wrote:
> I thought I'd give it a whirl, but my amp is broken (8874...) so I was just
> running 100w. This appears to be not enough to even raise a QRZ with most
> callers, so I only managed to work about 10 stations - one who was>600km
> away.
> However, my point is that 100w is adequate power for inter-UK working from a
> good site with a 17ele yagi, and is not getting heard my so many CQ-ers, who
> were reasonably loud with me. I called MANY people who I could hear, to no
> avail. Yet, back in the early 70's I was able to work loads just running 10w
> from a Liner 2 to a Parabeam.
> So what's changed?? It can't all be computer noise.
> 73
> Stewart
> (IO86ST)

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