[UK-CONTEST] 80m CC SSB 7th Feb

ALEX LISTER alexcom22 at btopenworld.com
Tue Feb 8 01:20:38 PST 2011

Chris G0TZZ
I doubt there will be any objections re rules considering the poor conditions.
Only managed a grand total of 9 of which 4 were club members.
Usually work you but not this time hi !
I see the Sheffield club had a record ? Number of entries, Imagine many of 
thiers would have been local QSO,s
If one could forecast in advance the probability of  such conditions would be 
useful to install an antenna which was more favourable to ground wave 
Alex G8FCQ

From: Christopher Soames <semaos at semaos.plus.com>
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Tuesday, 8 February, 2011 9:06:42
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] 80m CC SSB 7th Feb

Well not sure whether to send my log in or not since it is against the 
rules to work only your own club members.
I gained my WORKED ALL NORFOLK badge last night and as a result worked 
mainly my own club members,  11 QSO's  9 of which are in my own club.
I am hoping that the adjudicators will let my score stand as I am sure 2 
points were not with my own club I can also assure them that it was not 
through choice or bad practice I just could not hear anyone else.

I noticed all the bigger scores were from the EU so I suppose they are  

Regards from

Chris Soames
email :-
semaos at semaos.plus.com

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