Chris Tran GM3WOJ zl1ct1 at gm7v.com
Tue Feb 22 01:26:43 PST 2011

Hello Gordon et al

On several occasions I have written a posting to this reflector, thought 
about it for a few minutes, then hit 'delete' instead of 'send'.  I suggest 
this is what you should have done in this instance.

You wrote :
"At the end of the day he will get a piece of paper to say he beat you and 
able to boast about it in the club but you will get satisfaction in the
knowledge that you are the better operator"

Sorry - 'you' are almost certainly not a better operator - the ARRL CW 
scores posted are not achievable without the combination of a good station 
and a good operator (and helpful propagation).  A top operator can make a 
reasonable score with a mediocre station, but a good station is needed 
nowadays to achieve really good scores.

There is no such thing as a level playing field in radio contesting - even 
in 100W contests everyone is experimenting with antennas to give them a 
competitive edge.


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