G4FNL g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk
Thu Jan 13 14:10:22 PST 2011

Not seen any posts on the contest last night, so here's my findings: At the
start, as to be expected I suppose, I found conditions unsuitable for
intra-G QSOs.  Most people that I worked at the start made some comment
about how hard it was.


There were some big signals from Europe - and one or two of the regular G
stations were quite strong - but the majority were fairly weak and watery. I
was ready to throw in the towel after 10mins - with just 9 Qs in the log. I
tried running - but no takers - so went S&P for another 10mins. 20mins into
the contest, I think that propagation must have suddenly changed. Did anyone
else notice that? I managed to find a clear freq and had a terrific time for
40mins, with short duration rates of nearly 300/hour until it dried up
again. More S&P, until 10mins before the end, when I managed to get a run
going again. It was great to work the familiar callsigns - but also terrific
to work some new stations who are now active in these contests.  


My sincere thanks to everyone that I worked last night. I ended up with
155Qs - no dupes. I was using an FT1000MP and 265ft doublet at 55ft.


73 Graham G4FNL

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