[UK-CONTEST] Ending time

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sat Jan 22 11:40:53 PST 2011

On 22 Jan 2011 at 19:30, G4LMW wrote:

> To re-iterate the clarification given at that time, the RSGB CC
> confirmed that a QSO had to be *completed* (and logged) before the end
> of the contest. So (using your example) the last logged time for a QSO
> would be 21.29

And presumably the robot will alert you if any times in your Cabrillo 
are outside the contest time - allowing you to edit the file and 

Realistically unless anybody is monitoring you at the time (and 
themselves missing the chance of a last minute QSO) it is most unlikely 
that QSOs going over the end minute can be proved. I sometimes hesitate 
before pressing the closing 'Enter' key and it rolls over as far as the 
logger is concerned, but that doesn't mean the QSO (including the final 
'R' from the other station) has itself rolled over. Obviously if 
somebody's clock is out by 5 minutes he will soon get the message that 
it has finished...

73 Dave G3YMC


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