[UK-CONTEST] Ending time

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sat Jan 22 22:37:46 PST 2011

On 23 Jan 2011 at 2:59, Steve Knowles wrote:

> Clocks and watches, radio-synchronised to the international time 
> transmissions and accurate to better than a second per day, are now
> avalable to all for only a few pounds.  Computers may easily be linked
> to the same time standards via the internet.  Accurate timekeeping is no
> longer a problem!

This assumes that all computers are internet linked, which is certainly 
not so. I manually set the clock on my Windows 98 machine (never 
connected to the web) to a radio controlled clock, but this means it 
could well be a few seconds out. Not to mention paper logs, and field 
day stations with no internet.

And what action is likely to be taken? Loss of points for a single QSO 
outside the time is reasonable. Complete disqualification is not.

If this is the new policy of the contest committee, I shall no longer 
be entering RSGB contests.

73 Dave G3YMC


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