[UK-CONTEST] Alienation

Tammie Evans tammie1983 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 04:29:29 PST 2011

Hello Callum

Well, amateur radio doesn't seem to be the only hobby I have 
"approached" that is male dominated... I seem to pick hobbies that are 
male dominated (amateur radio, shooting and Nascar!).

Actually, I can't recall seeing another YL on this group?  I can't be 
the only one?

I try to avoid debates and "strong" opinions purely because sometimes I 
speak without thinking so I find it best to keep quiet, plus on this 
reflector (and other amateur radio ones that I am in) I am amongst many 
world class DX'ers so my opinion probably doesn't matter!!!

Granted, there are the "odd" weirdoes in amateur radio (as in any hobby) 
- not that I have seen any in this reflector but I am of the generation 
of internet-centric world... I seem to be surgically attached to my 
iPhone, I regularly Tweet but still my passion for amateur radio and 
contacting people across the world in the middle of the night on a 
seemingly dead band is far better than anything my iPhone can do for me :-)

73s Tammie

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