Peter Hobbs
peter at tilgate.co.uk
Mon Jan 31 06:38:57 PST 2011
It may be the specific call. I was warned by Tree N6TR (in connection
with the SP Challenge) that I might find my standard call more effective
than M5O, but this was not borne out over the weekend, when I made a
couple of hundred more QSOs than the previous year. The main advantage
I think was in running, when people have more chance of getting the call
right and from a marketing viewpoint, you can get your call aired more
times per minute! Only once or twice in S&P did I have a query, but I
usually gave the call twice when calling. So, overall I'm happy with
mine, but interesting to hear your experience!
I did do a double take when called by a couple of the G3 + 1 short
calls, so we both avoid that issue!
73, Peter G3LET
David G3YYD wrote:
>Due to various other commitments I was only able to do the last couple
>of hours.
>One thing I found was using a short contest call, M7T, that about 15% of
>the people I called could not get their head round a call that is only 3
>characters long. They felt that letters were missing even after they had
>copied the M7T perfectly. Lots of M7T? even after a double repeat. I
>found turning the keyer down to 18 WPM from usual 27 to 30 WPM got the
>point across - I did this after I had previously sent R 5NN14 in reply
>to there M7T? 5NNZZ.
>I note that England is one of very few countries that has a prefix
>enabling use of a 3 character call. Most countries minimum call length
>is 4 as per the other UK countries.
>I am seriously wondering if it is just as "good" to use my normal call
>rather than an SCC. Or may be I should have gone for a GnX call rather
>than a MnX call. I would like to know what others have experienced in
>this regard.
>I suspect a better alternative for England would be a GnXX call but you
>need to know the right people as well as being very persuasive to get
>one of those.
>I would welcome comments from others experience of using a 3 character
>or a 4 character call.
>73 David G3YYD
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