[UK-CONTEST] UBN failures

David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Sat Jul 16 06:06:11 PDT 2011

I see my 59 for all QSOs provoke the expected knee jerk re-action from 
some contesters. The HF contesters worked out long ago that the rules do 
not specify that the report has to be accurate. Even if the rules did, 
how is it enforceable? QED give 59 saves typing at both ends and hence 
removes a possibility of error in that part of the exchange.

Personally I think the RS(T) report should be removed from contests and 
some do just that. It is the serial number and locator code that is the 
real exchange in a VHF+ contest. Even the locator code can come from a 
call history file so that leaves the serial number as being the really 
unique part of the exchange.

73 David G3YYD

PS just seen Stewart's post in similar vain.

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