[UK-CONTEST] 80M CC Scoring

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sat Jul 16 07:22:05 PDT 2011

The results for each month are already tabulated in exactly these two 
sections. The only difference would be to have two overall club totals 
lists. I cannot see any point in what you are proposing.

One thing the contest committee could do is to reduce the power for the 
QRP section to 5W to bring into agreement with the QRP limits of ARRL 
and CQ contests. Or call it something other than 'QRP'.

73 Dave G3YMC

On 16 Jul 2011 at 15:03, Christopher Soames wrote:

> I would like to propose to the Contest Committee that the way in which
> the 80m CC's are scored be changed. My proposition is that they run 2
> completely separate contests and the scores from each are not combined
> in any way.
> 1st Contest is for Low power entries e.g. over 10 watts but no more than
> 100 watt output. 2nd contest to run at same time for QRP stations e.g.
> 10 watts or less output.
> Both contests to run as present at same dates and times but scores are
> to be kept separate for each power band contest and not combined in any
> way at all.
> Separate awards for top three clubs in each contest.


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