[UK-CONTEST] Objectives of NFD?

Andy Cowley andy.cowley at uwe.ac.uk
Sun Jun 5 04:57:06 PDT 2011

On 04/06/11 20:00, uk-contest-request at contesting.com wrote:

> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2011 20:49:59 +0100
> From: "Dave Sergeant"<dave at davesergeant.com>
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Objectives of NFD?
> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
> Message-ID:<4DE93AE7.29595.3136A6E at dave.davesergeant.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> I have dug out the rules of the 1947 NFD, which was the first post war
> event. (the first NFD took place in 1933, but the RadCom (Bulletin) CDs
> only go from 1939). The rules state:
> "The primary object of NFD is to prepare ourselves and our stations for
> any conditions of emergency that might arise - the offering of a trophy
> being regarded only as an incentive for competition."
> In those days there was an A station on 160m and 80m with a 10W limit
> and a B station on 40m and 20m with a 25W limit, both with a 45ft limit
> on antenna height. And tents were compulsory.
> I have uploaded the rules (400kb pdf) to
> http://www.btinternet.com/~dsergeant/nfd47.pdf
> 73 Dave G3YMC

The 1937 rules from the March T&R Bulletin are on-line at :-




In the case of this discussion I would call attention to rule 23
(on page 2).

Operation was allowed from buildings as long as they are "not normally
occupied". So barns, sheds etc. were permitted. There was no requirement
to operate with a battery supply, although private and public mains
were banned. The contest was 'multi-multi' in modern terms, on 4 bands:-
top, 80, 40 and 20,at 2-4 sites, with separate 45 ft. high antennas for
each band. 10W DC in on top and 80, 25W DC in on 40 and 20. A total of
eight hours was allowed for erection of stations. Each station had a
different call-sign, so up to 4 call-signs per entry. One entry per
district so co-operation needed and many fewer entries.

No mention of emergency conditions.

A 'back to basics' section could use these rules more or less unchanged,
with a few additions to specify home designed and constructed equipment
and a ban on the use of any processors/computers at all - paper logging,
no cluster, no skimmer, no keyers, no modern rigs! Whether to allow
transistors is a point for discussion, as is the use of paddles rather
than straight keys. Collar and tie and well polished shoes for all
operators. Gentlemen may remove their jackets if conditions are very
hot ;-).

vy 73


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