[UK-CONTEST] G3SAD/P LP Unassisted entry NFD 2011

PAUL BriceStevens brice-stevens at virginmedia.com
Tue Jun 7 05:13:14 PDT 2011

Same op's as last year G4DDX, G4BYE, M0SFR and myself.

Good fun although I don't think we have done very well (v.poor Topband

WX good but v. windy at our qth...tent stood up to it but had to have many
more stakes and available heavier items to keep it where it shoud be.

Very annoying RF problem on 40m which we will have to sort for next
year...caused much PC palpitations...seemd to go away with power set to sub

Rather than used SD (as in previous years) we used WinTest which was I am
sold on although some of the others are less confortbale with it...so it was
a bit of a learning curve

Icom 756 Pro MkII at 10w
270ft Doublet at 11m in an inverted V all hung from a SpiderBeam pole
No external help

Scores: -

  160    26   1   6     204  7.85
   80    66   0  12     242  3.67
   40    55   3  12     204  3.71
   20   123   0  32     385  3.13
   15     9   0   7      33  3.67
   10     7   0   7      48  6.86
TOTAL   286   4  76    1116  3.90
       TOTAL SCORE : 1 116


Personally I would love to have used these technologies (you can't put the
Genie back in the Bottle) as it just increases the fun...it wasn't to be for
this entry but could well be for next years...It would, though I feel, be
better to change the sections to allow 'Assisted' and Non-Assisted'
entries...however I suspect this won't happen, much as there is only one
section in AFS whether you are running 5w, or 'ahem' 400w from your Acom
2000a...I've nothing against running people running HP (c'est moi on
occasion) but would prefer you were in a different section to me if I am
running QRP or Low Power..likewise I have nothing against assisted entries
to contests I just prefer you were  in a different section to me.

While we are at rules changes can we have the LP section renamed 'QRP' and
limited to 5w as in all other major contests in the World?

73 Paul G0WAT

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