[UK-CONTEST] Contest logger comparisons

Andre Skarzynski m0jek at me.com
Tue Jun 21 23:25:59 PDT 2011


I  have been a lurker on this list for some time, not posting anything, however, I just have add something to this topic before it dies.

I use an Apple Mac computer and use RUMped by DL2RUM, which is an excellent contest logger, supports many contests and also allows one to create plugins to add contests. 

If you have a Mac, it is well worth having a look at this software too. http://dl2rum.de/rumsoft/RUMPed.html

André, M0JEK

On 21 Jun 2011, at 20:00, uk-contest-request at contesting.com wrote:

> Have you tried Xlog (for Linux) recently? - I'm taking a bit of a rest from
> it for the moment as I tend to just do contests, but I do download my ADIF
> file from eQSL every now and then and try it in the latest Xlog.
> It's not specifically contest log, but the author is available on the (not
> too busy)  listserver - I would think that if there were enough interest to
> give it a neat minimal contest interface.
> Think I'll download it again..
> Dave H G0CER

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