[UK-CONTEST] Long shot - Logbook?

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Tue May 3 23:01:20 PDT 2011

I wonder what is 'subtly different' about the current RSGB one? The 
only thing I found was that it has 26 QSOs per page against 25 in the 
older ones, and the column widths are a bit different.

Despite computer logging, there is still a lot to be said for paper 
logs. Most significantly in that it will always be readable in many 
years time regardless of what technology is around, and it is always 
ready and waiting to be used in the middle of the night for that quick 
QSO. Contests are of course logged directly on the PC, but for all 
normal QSOs they are initially logged in the paper log and transferred 
to my logging program some days later.

Just started paper log no 13...

73 Dave G3YMC

On 3 May 2011 at 22:40, Keith Maton wrote:

> It's a bit of a long shot but does anyone have one of these logbooks
> that they bought but never used?
> http://ocukroguesgallery.com/feek/temp/log-20110503-223843.jpg
> I'm getting towards the end of that one and all my logs have been
> exactly the same kind but I can't find that one any more.  The current
> one sold by the RSGB is subtly different.


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