[UK-CONTEST] GQ Prefixes
Roger G3SXW
g3sxw at btinternet.com
Tue May 17 14:09:47 PDT 2011
It's called "fun".
Must it have some pre-designated purpose?
Chill out!
73 de Roger/G3SXW.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Eastty
To: Bob Henderson
Cc: uk-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] GQ Prefixes
I have to agree Bob the motivation is also completely lost on me,
perhaps some overseas stations think that they are working some rare
island but the significance of that is also lost on me.
It does point to the fact that 'special?' prefixes AND callsigns
shouldn't be permitted in contests.
I listened to 'G' stations queuing to work 'GR' prefixes on 80 & 40m
thinking what's the point whilst on 2, 4 & 70cms there was virtually no
activity. These days this sadly seems to be the norm outside contests &
a very small amount of FM activity at least in this part of the UK.
G3LVPOn 17/05/2011 09:17, Bob Henderson wrote:
> You are Ken.
> Haven't you noticed the increase in interest created through use of special
> prefixes? More callers can be roughly translated into more contacts.
> If you use a contest short call and are always overwhelmed by callers, a
> longer special call would clearly be a disadvantage. If on the other hand
> you are lacking in callers, use of such a call may become a distinct
> advantage.
> I have no interest in chasing special calls either but we're not all
> motivated by the same stimuli. Thank goodness.
> 73 Bob, 5B4AGN
> On 17 May 2011 09:00, Ken Eastty<ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> I must be missing something, why would anyone entering a contest
>> want to make their callsign longer than it is normally?
>> (In fact I fail to see the point of special calls for anything be they
>> Jubilees, Mills, Lighthouses or Dogs Homes or why some people are so
>> keen to work a station just because it has an extra letter tagged onto
>> the prefix?)
>> 73...
>> Ken
>> G3LVP
>>> Well I think we need to sort this out before the Diamond Jubilee
>>> when, if precedent is followed, we will have GQ prefixes for rather
>>> longer than 10 days.
>>> Ray
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