G3RAU at aol.com G3RAU at aol.com
Sun Nov 6 01:45:34 PST 2011

In a message dated 06/11/2011 09:07:10 GMT Standard Time, g4odv at yahoo.co.uk 

so I do  wonder sometimes when I see claims for 40 zones with big q counts 
high  country claims who do not register 'assistance'.

This should really show up on 28MHz this year, because the time taken to  
carefully S&P along the entire Meg that was in use from 28.2 up to  29.2 was 
quite long, so making it very easy to miss transitory mults.  I  hope the 
checking software can detect the operating patterns of  "non  assisted" cheats 
by seeing the way their frequency suddenly & magically  jumps onto a juicy 
mult.  The first time you could maybe  believe it was by chance, but not 
over and over again throughout the  contest.
Cheats apart, it was a delight to be on 10M with such great conditions -  
lets hope it lasts for the CW leg.
73 Derek G3RAU

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