Peter Day microwaves at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Nov 18 09:26:48 PST 2011

Not yet seen much about BERU travelers for next year's Commonwealth 
Contest so I'll chuck my plans into the ring for what they are worth :-)

I plan to operated from 9H3 on the island of Gozo from 6-15 March 
inclusive I've already booked the rental accommodation and air tickets 
but am still waiting for the callsign.  The chosen location is about  2 
or 3km up the hill from the Gozo end of the Malta-Gozo ferry.

My CC entry will be in the Restricted section using the same gear and 
antennas as I did in VP2V this year. The rest of the week should see 
some casual holiday style operating but not a lot as 9H isn't a rare 
entity :-). If there's enough room I might even get a topband longwire out.

Peter G3PHO

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