[UK-CONTEST] SSB FD - Open section - G6YB/P - Bristol Contest Group

geoff plucknett geoffg4fka at virginmedia.com
Mon Sep 5 14:08:35 PDT 2011

After a couple of excursions to Jersey for 50MHz and IOTA it was back to the
home turf for this year's SSB FD. The usual site near Bath became our home
for the weekend and with generally good weather and an experienced
build team the station was set up and taken down in record time. This was
particularly true of the take down where we had everything de-constructed,
packed and back at the storage location within 3.75 hours. 5 minutes later
we were in the pub for a celebratory drink. No burst tyres this time either!

Two of our trailer towers hosted the usual range of beams and dipoles and a
couple of verticals were thrown in for good measure to give us a selection
of antennas and polarisation on each of the 5 bands. In fact the
configuration was the same as the IOTA run station earlier in the year.
Propagation on the high bands wasn't quite as good as Friday nights
conditions (21 MHz open well after midnight) might have suggested and we had
a bit of a slow start but things got better so there was plenty to keep us
busy throughout the 24 hours.

We had plenty of food and drink on site. Our caravan (also known as event
control) has a fridge and microwave oven built in and we supplemented those
with gas stoves, tea and coffee in the awning to keep everyone well fed. The
local fare was topped up by the traditional run to the local fish and chip
shop on Saturday night.

The log doesn't show a great deal of rare DX but we had good general
coverage of planet earth. Pick of the bunch was definitely Macquarie Island;
as one of the usual VKs chipped in just after we worked VK0, "you don't get
one of those every day!". 14MHz was (as ever) the bread and butter band with
over 1000 QSOs and around a third of the mults. We also gave 7MHz more
attention than usual with over 500 Qs. 21MHz came and went and although open
quite often didn't deliver too many good runs so a fair amount of S&P here.
3.5 MHz delivered the highest average points per QSO with good runs of EU
portables overnight. 28MHz never really got going and only delivered a few
QSOs, mainly S&P. Those of you who heard us on Sunday morning will have
heard us hit the magic 2000 QSOs but sadly there were quite a few dupes so
the final tally has us missing that mark by a small amount.

So how did we do? Post dupe QSO count was 1991 and with 189 mults gives us a
raw score of just over 1.3 million. Thanks to all for the QSOs and keeping
us gainfully employed.

Geoff G4FKA
obo G6YB/P

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