[UK-CONTEST] 144 MHz Trophy - lack of activity

Chris Tran GM3WOJ zl1ct1 at gm7v.com
Sun Sep 11 23:54:40 PDT 2011

Ray F/GM4CXM wrote :

>What relevance have these posts to do with the subject >under discussion as
>per the subject title or provide any >reasonable solutions to improve


Woah - hang on a minute Ray ... how would you feel if your first-ever
posting to a reflector was declared 'irrelevant' ?

Paul and others have every right to discuss whatever they like, under
whatever posting title they like, on this relatively quiet reflector.

All we really want Paul and other newcomers to do is become familiar with
reflector etiquette, i.e. change the title of the posting from the original
if the postings have drifted off to some other subject, which seems to
happen quite often here.


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