[UK-CONTEST] 23cm UKAC - September report

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Sep 22 04:55:42 PDT 2011

Conditions during Tuesday evenings contest were pretty average.
With a few regulars away on holiday, multiplier numbers were down a bit.
Activity levels continue to be high on this band.

Ten stations were active from GM though none north of the central belt.

Aircraft reflection results were very productive despite fewer jets being around following the peak of holiday traffic during the summer months. 
In particular, Kjeld OZ1FF was audible calling CQ for at least 2 minutes following our contact thanks to a Ryanair Riga to Dublin flight.
Hans PA0EHG was a bit more difficult to complete as the aircraft used just skirted inside our mid-point area and no more.  

Changes to interconnection cables around the PA and sequencer changeover relay system to reduce losses appear to have paid dividends with a number of known low power stations worked on SSB much easier and with improved reception.
My 1.3 GHz QSO map can be viewed at http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/kml_files/2011/vp06DxldWJMouaWRS1VSaT2osue5erC

73 Ray GM4CXM 

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