Peter Burden peter.burden at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 04:10:56 PDT 2012

I'm happy with the idea that the reflector should be a prime forum for
discussion of contest matters but less happy with ides such as "the
Tactical arm would follow the directives issued by the Strategic arm, when
such directives have been developed." without any clear indication of how
the strategic arm will reach a consensus. I would like to see the reflector
continue as an open forum in which any interested person can express
opinions with the bonus that members of the CC are clearly listening and
see it as a valuable alternative to forums at conventions. I would not like
to see, nor do I think it practical, that it should become a formal part of
any management structure. Nor do I think people taking part in contests
should be seen as "customers" of the CC. Sorry John.

I was chair of the RSGB VHF committee in the 1980's (when we had spectrum
committees) and a forum such as this would have been a great advantage in
handling the band planning issues we had in those days. A convention forum
is fine but can be dominated by a noisy handful of "the South Chumbley club
net has been on 145.519 MHz for 25 years and if you want us to change
you'll have to buy us all new crystals for our Pye Rangers" type

73 Peter Burden G3UBX

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