[UK-CONTEST] IOTA Contest, deadline reminder

Don Field don.field at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 13:49:46 PDT 2012

A reminder that the deadline for logs is this coming weekend. We are still
awaiting some quite major logs, so please do ensure you get them to us in
time for the deadline or, if you need an extension for any legitimate
reason, then drop me a line. The address for logs is
iota.logs at rsgbcc.org (some are still sending to the
rsgbhfcc.org address, although it changed 3 years ago). We already have
some 2300 logs to hand, so it looks as though it will be another record
year. My thanks to all who took part and, especially, to those who
activated a rare one.

And do please keep sending in your photos, stories, etc. We have lots
already, which is great.

IOTA Contest Manager
don.field at gmail.com

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