[UK-CONTEST] Connectors

Ken Eastty ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 3 02:43:44 PST 2012

I agree, the best way to deal with ALL PL259's is to throw them in the bin!

I don't go as far as one chap who apparently replaces all '259's on 
commercial equipment with BNC's or 'N' types
but I use 259 to BNC adaptors on all of my commercial equipment. On my 
antenna patch panel I use BNC's  (even for 400W on HF )
for internal cables & N types for the~1/2" cables that go out to the 
For convenience I'd probably use TNC's indoors if they were more readily 

I really can't understand the thinking of the designers of amateur 
equipment like the FT 817 which has a BNC antenna connector on the front
& a 259 on the rear panel. For the small difference in cost why can't we 
have decent connectors on all amateur equipment?

The best way to deal wih a nickel-plated PL259 is to throw it in the bin.

I am standing by for the emails from those who say you should only ever 
use N-type!

Dave G4BUO

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