[UK-CONTEST] U.K. contesting in 2012

Peter Burden peter.burden at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 13:58:06 PST 2012

It is interesting to look at the amateur population figures at
I'm not sure how accurate these are or how up-to-date but it shows a German
population of 971 amateurs per million and a UK figure of 942 per million.
This shows a very similar level of take-up - I had initially suspected
that the German figure might have been significantly higher for an
engineering oriented hobby.

Chris's original comments referred to a higher level of participation in
one particular contest, however it's
also worth noting that German National Society (DARC) membership is higher
and from my own VHF/UHF
experience it is interesting to note that the German amateur movement have,
for many years, published
two specialist technical VHF/UHF periodicals (Dubus and VHF Communications)
- in English.

i don't want to get involved in the minutiae of contest rules but I think
there is an indication of a lack
active participation in the hobby by UK licensees, contest activity is but
one manifestation. Why?

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