[UK-CONTEST] 2012 UKAC = Rule canges

Rob Harrison robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk
Sun Jan 1 04:03:00 PST 2012

"Open" is very straightforward, over 100w up to 400w and no antenna restrictions.

"Restricted" and "Low Power" no more than 100w/no more than 10w and "Only one horizontal or vertically polarised fixed or rotatable antenna may be used at any one time".

Ok so where does that leave myself and a few others who have 2  rotatable antennas by run less than 100W per band.

Can't do AO not enough TX power, can't do AR too many antennas, can't do AL too much power. So AX is forced on us.

If you can alter the rules to accomodate those with beams and verticals, surely a small tweak could accomodate us. Two beams and 50W is on a par with one beam and 100W I would think. 

Why not grasp the nettle and go for ERP sections? Don't say you can't police it, most people are honest and would put down what they are using, you can't police most of the rules anyway, as has been said many times on here, and by CC members. 

73 Bob G8HGN 

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