Stewart Bryant stewart at g3ysx.org.uk
Tue Jan 31 02:37:30 PST 2012

  If you are CQing you don't need to save time, more importantly CQing 
is your
> marketing ploy where you attract the punters so a good robust CQ is best.


As a station who's CW skills are marginal at best, but was out to give
a few points away, I would really suggest that stations that are calling
CQ and not working back to back callers slow down a bit, at least to the 
point where it's easy to tell an S from an H from a 5.

It might be an ego trip for an OP to demonstrate that they can send
and receive at 35+ WPM, but points from casual stations that
cannot copy at those speeds are just as valuable as points from
those that can.


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