Roger Thawley roger.thawley at sky.com
Wed Jul 11 06:55:11 PDT 2012

The Tall Trees group set out with the intention of operating 6M, 4M and 2M
but with 2M operations limited to the same hours as the 6/4M contests - none
of us feel at all inclined to sit up all night listening to white noise!

Unfortunately the pump-up mast, which was to carry the 2M antenna, refused
to pump-up, leaving us with a single antenna support, which already had the
6M antenna installed, so a very late stage pre-contest strategy change
occurred and we operated 6M on Saturday and on Sunday, with the expectation
that 2M would be busier than 4M, we swapped the antenna for the 2M one. On
firing up 2M, regular periods of S9+ electrical noise were heard across the
entire band, getting stronger at a beam bearing of 270 degrees. Much
fiddling with equipment then proceeded with no station faults identified, so
we thought to check other bands using other equipment and found the problem
extended right through the HF bands as well. An outbreak of 'DF set' then
occurred and the noise source was quickly chased down to a failed 6/11KV
overhead line insulator allowing the overhead line to hang through a hedge
in a neighbouring field. The local district network operator was called and
their team arrived on site within the hour, sadly it took them until 30 mins
post contest to switch of the local supply before proceeding to fix the
problem, by which time the contest was history.

6M produced 96 contacts with none outside the UK until the last 30 minutes
of the contest during which PA and 9A popped up.
2M produced 31 contacts during brief gaps in the noise, TM2K being the ODX.

Wx was largely fine, even sunny for lengthy periods, though Saturday
produced some rain late afternoon for a while.

Next year we may plan on the same approach as that intended this year - 6M,
4M and limited participation on 2M, during the same hours at the 6/4M

Roger, G0BSU

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