Andy Cunningham andyc at cunningham.me.uk
Tue Jul 17 14:25:51 PDT 2012

Since no-one seems to have posted our take frmo G4BRA/P... I'll add a brief

Drove to site down in Dorset on Friday through torrential rain, 1"+ of
standing water on the road in places.  Not so bad on site, and weather
forecast to clear up over night with some rain due on the Saturday.

We got the masts set up, and retreated to the pub for dinner and a dry-out.
 Overnight the weather worsened, with heavy rain and 20+ mph winds.  I got
up three times during the night to move my car to where it best sheltered
the tent from the wind and check guy lines.  Several others reported a
sleepless night.

On Saturday morning, we looked at the weather forecast, showing the "red"
area of the severe weather warning basically centered on where we were.
No-one wanted to be the first to say it, but we decided it was best to
retire to fight another day.   After a hurried breakfast cooked in a
2.5x2.5m tent with 10 people standing in it, we pulled stuff down, and
every one of us was cold and soaked to the skin when we'd finished, but at
least we could sit in warm cars rather than staying out in it for another
24 hours.

On the trip home we hit about 8" of water across the road at one point.

It really was the right thing to do to pull out at that point.  I seriously
think we'd have had someone in hospital with hypothermia before the day was
out if we hadn't.

Mental note, make sure I pack an extra tarp and a fan heater next time.
 Even in July.


Andy Cunningham
andyc at cunningham.me.uk

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