[UK-CONTEST] July 1.3GHz UKAC - Report

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jul 18 15:19:42 PDT 2012

Hi all,
Another superb contest last night with lots of competitors commenting on the great level of activity despite some regulars missing on holiday or experiencing "rain stopped play".
It's really good to note more and more radio clubs helping additional members to get equipped and participate on this challenging yet popular band.
What makes the high numbers even more surprising is the fact that all this has taken place during a long period of non-extended lift conditions.
The plus side is that when we do eventually get blessed with widespread UK to EU extended tropo conditions then the potential for a very high level of UK activity to work the DX will already be in place. 

Tropo conditions last night appeared fairly average though some distant stations appeared above average and other regulars a struggle to complete and not helped by severe fading.
One QSB gotaway (M0WAF in IO92) was running just 3w to a 23el.
I managed 37 contacts but heard numerous stations near my noise floor I just couldn't pull through, which is very frustrating.
Most of my contacts are usually made on CW but this time 26 were made on SSB so conditions were maybe better than first appeared.

At least 8 GM's were active as far as I was aware.
Aircraft were about in abundance for aircraft reflection QSO attempts and no doubt due to increased holiday traffic. PA0EZ and PA0EHG in JO22 were worked off favourably positioned flights and certainly other flights assisted a number of the 500km+ UK contacts. 
My QSO map can be viewed at http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/kml_files/2012/XCjITvmp0zynZAKpgP1iICPOalb1v7p

73 Ray GM4CXM IO75TW
IC910HX + DL2AM 150w PA + SP23mk2 LNA + 4x44el Wimo.

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