[UK-CONTEST] deadline

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Mon Jul 23 03:41:27 PDT 2012

Well I managed to submit my low power field day log this morning, 17 
hours after the end of the contest. It included a vital good nights 
sleep, which you missed from your calculation. If I had a 9-5 day job 
it would have been this evening before I could have got round to it. In 
my case it was just a short drive home afterwards, in many cases it 
would entail a long drive home. In the low power contest I assume quite 
a few others were using paper logging judging by the number of 
attempted repeat QSOs.

If you want a 'fast entry upload' section have it as a separate 
section. Seven days is reasonable for general entries. Regarding the CC 
events we have had at least one of our Bracknell members deciding to 
drop out of this year's series with the comment:

"I seem to have lost interest in CC this year. It seems to be getting
more like any other contest with people hogging frequencies before the
start, so-called QRP stations making 100+ scores, people who don't know
how to use a receiver, and pile-ups when you are trying to call some
stations. In short it's no longer the short relaxed contest I used to

I share some of those views, and with declining participation from our 
members I suspect I will also be giving it a miss next year, whatever 
the entry deadline.

73 Dave G3YMC

On 23 Jul 2012 at 10:24, David wrote:

> The deadline should be sufficient to enable someone with no internet
> connection & out in the field, to get home, have something to eat, check
> the log and type it into the robot. I suggest 24 hours would cover this.
> 73 David


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