[UK-CONTEST] Is it time for contest sponsors to introduce anident rule?

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Tue Jul 31 12:24:11 PDT 2012

Roger Western wrote:
>Maybe peer pressure would help: send the worst offenders a brief e-mail 
>explaining why you are annoyed. If they received many such e-mails 
>after the contest maybe they would mend their ways, or at least their 
>selfish attitudes. This situation needs a bottom-up culture shift but 
>contest sponsors could at least publicly criticise this tactic. 73 de 

Yes, it does need both. Peer pressure has the weight of numbers, but it 
means nothing unless we also see a firm stand from the rule-makers.

But e-mails after the contest are too late. One way of applying pressure 
*during* the contest (with very little overhead for the victims) would 
be to spot such stations as a "No ID". That would place a complaint on 
the permanent record, complete with frequency and time. We can surely 
credit the adjudicators with the sense to distinguish between genuine 
complaints and an orchestrated campaign.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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