[UK-CONTEST] Is it time for contest sponsors to introduce an ident rule?

Bob Henderson bob at 5b4agn.net
Tue Jul 31 11:34:41 PDT 2012

Between here and elsewhere I must have read of at least two dozen
individual strategies for dealing with what appears to be a universally
unacceptable operating practice.

All of these are little more than instructions for rounding up the sheep
after the gate has been left open.

How about we try to keep the gate closed?

Explain in the rules what is expected, then penalise none compliance.

Bob, 5B4AGN

On 31 July 2012 16:41, David <g3yyd at btinternet.com> wrote:

> This could be interpreted: If I want to contact you then I have to say my
> callsign. Implication being the "you" does not have to identify. QED a run
> station does not have to say his call every QSO, but does, in another part
> of the UK licence, have to identify at least every 15 minutes.
> Like I said earlier why wait just ask for the callsign as soon as you hear
> he is ready to accept calls. I do it and most of the time the callsign is
> said either then or at the end of the next QSO.
> Alternative which is probably quicker is shove your call in and ask for
> call
> before giving the exchange - risk of working a dupe is probably in the long
> term a better policy then waiting for the callsign.
> 73 David G3YYD
> Andrew AC6WI / GI0NWG wrote:
> UK Section 2 subsection 13(1)(a)
> "The Licensee, or, if this Licence is a Full Licence, then any other
> authorised person who uses the Radio Equipment, shall transmit the
> Callsign specified in Section 1 of this Licence and any Modifier
> applicable under the provisions of this Licence:
> (a) during initial calls ("CQ" calls) or calls to establish contact with
> another Amateur;"
> So, when establishing contact with another amateur, ie a new QSO, an
> identification must be given.  So, technically, every QSO.
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